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Did You Know?

  • Lice prefer clean hair.  Their legs are designed to climb up the hair shaft.  Clean hair makes it easier for them to do that. 

  • Lice do not fly or jump - they can only crawl.

  • Lice "do not" carry diseases.  They can cause itching and maybe a rash.

  • Most lice are transported from "head to head" contact. 

  • Lice (full grown) are the size of a sesame seed and take on the color of the hair that they are on.

  • Most commercial head lice ingredients have pesticides which can irritate your childs delicate scalp.

  • Lice have developed an resistance to pesticides that are in commercial lice treatment products. As a result, this new breed of lice have developed called, "Super Lice".

Do you know what lice look like?

Most people do not.  Here are a some photos to help you out.

Lice eggs or Nits
Size of lice and nymphs (baby lice)

So, How much?

Our Prices are significantly less than Sarasota lice salons and other mobile companies. And we come to you!  Think that you have a silly question? No such thing.   

We are here for you!

Call: 941-541-4422

I am available to answer all your questions just use my contact information below.


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